Tuesday 21 January 2014


A Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline, a part of which, including breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures, is widely practiced for health and relaxation.
Yoga has also been popularly defined as "union with the divine" in other contexts and traditions.
Having its origins in India thousands of years ago, yoga is a mind-body practice. The Yoga Sutras eight limbs of practice: yama (moral behavior), niyama (healthy habits), asanas (physical postures), pranayama (breathing Exercises)
, pratyahara (sense withdrawal), dharana (concentration), dhyana (contemplation) and samadhi (higherConsciousness although ubiquitous and invariably practiced informally in India, formal yoga activity is becoming increasingly Popular in the western world.
Commonly practiced yoga sutras in the West include physical poses (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayamas) and meditation (dharana and dhyana). Regular practitioners report an increase in flexibility and strength, an improvement in posture,
and better mood and concentration. Growing scientific evidence also supports a beneficial impact on many disease states (1-4). This article briefly reviews the scientifically proven benefits of yoga practice in some of the more common and more researched conditions.
Yoga Benefits
Long, lean & confident body
Regular practice will give you a clear mind and the inspiration & courage.
When your brain is on yoga your neurological system is brought back to balance

Body Mind coordination
For further detail please contact for any guidance through the email:Workout2@gmail.com

Monday 20 January 2014

Strength Training

                                                             Strength Training
One of the components of fitness is strength training. It is very important to do some weight training at least three times a week.
What exactly is strength training?
It means that you must lift weights in range of 5 to 10 kgs, such as dumbbells, barbells, weight plates and use all major muscles of your body.
It is important to warm-up your body before starting an exercise program for a weight training.
Few important tips about weight training
1-      Plan a 30 minutes session with a trainer
2-      Choose a gym or buy few basic weights and barbell
3-      Properly warm up your body
4-      Choose your gym plan upper body one day and then the lower body another day.
Few Benefits
Maintain your muscular strength and endurance
Bone density and muscle fitness will be maintained
More energy and good metabolism
Body weight will be in control
No quick mussels lose with the age
Long life and feel energized

For further please contact us on the following ///////////////////////////////////////

Saturday 18 January 2014

Stretching &Flexibility
The major difference between life & death after absence of breath is lack of flexibility. In death you can’t breathe, body gets stiff & rigid. So flexible body means so much in life:, Painless body, energized as well as flexible mind. With the passage of time as we age our body range of motion gets less but if we keep stretching properly and regularly the elasticity of the body also gets maintained.
How and what should we do to keep our flexibility fitness maintained?
·         Wear appropriate exercise cloth
·         Make sure that your body is warm enough to stretch
·         Ask the trainer to advise & recommend you how to start with stretching.
·         Know your body ability to stretch.
·         Stretch gradually and slowly without damage to your body
Types of Stretches
·         Dynamic

·         Static

·         Active

·         Passive

Benefits of Stretching & Flexibility for Human body
·         Increases circulation
·         Increases range of motion
·         Reduce Stress
·         Alleviate lower back and knee pain

Friday 17 January 2014

Aerobic Exercise Benefits for Golden People
Aerobic exercise or exercise to music really enhances the body ability to consume maximum oxygen from the air to the body to increase blood circulation and oxygen intake.
Based on the fitness and health profile of an individual the aerobic activity can be modified so that we really meet the individuals’ fitness capacity and let him go accordingly.
For example an individual with the age of 70 years old with the sedentary life style may wish to start aerobic or cardiovascular activity and he or she can do so. So that we can recommend him to start with very slow start and slow steps from the easy steps and walk.
How to really start for a 30 minutes session?

1-      Go to the aerobics studio where the same age group, s class is available or arrange it with your personal trainer.
2-      Start your favorite aerobics music and start walking with dancing way.
3-      Listen to your body and follow the trainer to go gradually from slow to light steps. Keep watching your heart rate.
4-      Keep smiling and allow your breath to in and out at your level best.
5-      Concentrate on the music and enjoy t he time.
6-      Gradually and slowly come back to the normal.
7-      Stretch your limbs, shoulders, neck and back.
Benefits of Aerobics
1-      Improves blood high density cholesterol
2-      Increases hemoglobin
3-      Less conversion of sugar to fat
4-      Better control of hunger
5-      Decreases body fat

6-      More calorie burn

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Introduction to the team workout
We the team of professionals to help you to achieve and improve your health and fitness, goals & objectives through proper exercise plan balanced food and lifestyle changes.
We are competent professionals in the health and fitness programs as well as train school level students in their sports and games. We can train you to become a swimmer, improve foot ball, and mountain climbing, table tennis & self defense.
We also provide fitness plans for the sports and competitive levels to achieve your competition through skills related fitness.

We also provide consultancy to build your gym & swimming pool at commercial or home based .We train your leisure staff to achieve your gym business targets through proper service and best practices.