Tuesday 21 January 2014


A Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline, a part of which, including breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures, is widely practiced for health and relaxation.
Yoga has also been popularly defined as "union with the divine" in other contexts and traditions.
Having its origins in India thousands of years ago, yoga is a mind-body practice. The Yoga Sutras eight limbs of practice: yama (moral behavior), niyama (healthy habits), asanas (physical postures), pranayama (breathing Exercises)
, pratyahara (sense withdrawal), dharana (concentration), dhyana (contemplation) and samadhi (higherConsciousness although ubiquitous and invariably practiced informally in India, formal yoga activity is becoming increasingly Popular in the western world.
Commonly practiced yoga sutras in the West include physical poses (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayamas) and meditation (dharana and dhyana). Regular practitioners report an increase in flexibility and strength, an improvement in posture,
and better mood and concentration. Growing scientific evidence also supports a beneficial impact on many disease states (1-4). This article briefly reviews the scientifically proven benefits of yoga practice in some of the more common and more researched conditions.
Yoga Benefits
Long, lean & confident body
Regular practice will give you a clear mind and the inspiration & courage.
When your brain is on yoga your neurological system is brought back to balance

Body Mind coordination
For further detail please contact for any guidance through the email:Workout2@gmail.com

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